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As part of their protected landscapes and community sustainable course, 13 students alongside two professors from Paul Smiths College, New York, based in the Champlain Adirondack Biosphere Network (CABN), visited South Africa for a 10-day biosphere to biosphere learning exchange to develop a comparative analysis of sustainable development strategies and actions in both countries.
As part of facilitated eco-educational outings in the region, the CWBR incorporates source to sea education. The CWBR team, in collaboration with partners, regularly facilitate excursions for youth from underrepresented vulnerable inland communities…
While representing a wide range of contexts, biosphere reserves (BR’s) worldwide, share a common framework. As set out by the UNESCO Man and Biosphere Programme, to achieve its mission in enriching the relationship between people and their environments and contribute to the global Sustainable Development Goals. Those with shared characteristics, such as coastlines or mountains, have an opportunity for shared learning through formed BR networks.
Today marks the international day for Climate Action. A reminder of the importance of preserving biodiversity, reducing carbon emissions, and working towards a greener and more sustainable future for all. As part of Cape Winelands Biosphere Reserves (CWBR) educational outreach in communities, exposure to citizen science has become a regular component to the hands-on activities offered.
Mothers, children, the Villiersdorp community, Provincial and National stakeholders gathered together to celebrate the official opening of a new centre in Villiersdorp. A shared space for young mothers, mental and physical disability support through Tools for Life, and skills development workshops. In partnership with Cape Winelands Biosphere Reserve (CWBR)...
As the second school term draws to a close, and exams are around the corner, the Cape Winelands Biosphere Reserve environmental education team has wrapped up the initial set of scientific and eco-literacy focused activities, facilitated in the second school semester. Alongside a teacher devoted to her student’s education, at a no-school fee public school in the Franschhoek Valley.