CWBR in the Media
To increase our sphere of influence and raise awareness of biosphere reserves Cape Winelands Biosphere Reserve makes an active effort to feature in a variety of communication channels such as digital newsletters, documentaries, a flip-book on biosphere reserves, newspapers, broadcasts, and the UNESCO Proud to Share initiative.
The CWBR regularly presents at conservation events, talks, demonstrations and exhibitions, which have been broadcast on national television and in the press, as well as internationally.
Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and keep an eye on our Blog ‘News’ which is a collection of published articles featured on this website.
Publications and contributions
For more videos visit our Youtube channel
The flipbook on South African Biosphere Reserves has been completed and the final versions are now available for download in high resolution.
UNESCO designates biosphere reserves
in accordance with its Man and the Biosphere (MAB) Programme. Biosphere Reserves are designated areas that manage the complexity of people, development and nature All Biosphere Reserves form part of the World Network of Biosphere Reserves (WNBR) In 2018 there were 669 Biosphere Reserves globally in 120 countries.
Vision for South Africa:
South African Biosphere Reserves are recognised as special landscapes where social-ecological land management is practised towards a more sustainable future for all.
Guiness world Record 2018 La Source painting by Charles Frank
The world record painting, La Source, project was developed to bring attention to the importance of preserving the Berg river-an extremely important Cape water resource. The artwork was displayed locally and in Europe, at the Dutch Annual Art fair in Amsterdam, and in Luxembourg. This resulted in widespread awareness of the CWBR and the projects involved in preserving and improving the water quality in the Berg river.