UNESCO Be Resilient

Area of intervention: Cape Winelands Biosphere Reserve is one of four partners in the Be Resilient Project

Local Partners: SAEON, Stellenbosch University, Department of Water and Sanitation, Freshwater Research Center, Quartex, and Ground Truth.

International Partners: University of Cincinnati, Deltares.

Funding partners: UNESCO, Government Flanders.

Date: 2021- 2024

Methodology: CRIDA (UNESCO Digital Library:

Project Background: “Day Zero” in the Western Cape highlighted the severe impact of drought and vulnerability to water scarcity, a condition which is expected to worsen extensively due to climate change. There is, therefore, a need to include climate change impacts in medium- and long-term water planning, and to adopt ecosystem-based approaches that are gender responsive to adaptation that ensure long-term sustainability. This project introduces a novel, bottom-up participatory approach to climate change adaptation, providing an adequate planning pathway for decision-making at the local, regional, and national level.

Overall Objective:

The general objective of this project is to enable the Cape Winelands Biosphere Reserve to develop effective ecosystem-based and gender responsive adaptation option pathways to climate change using a bottom-up, participatory approach, and by implementing effective monitoring and early warning tools to proactively manage increased climate risks. 


 1. Climate Risk Informed Decision Analysis: 

Climate Risk Analysis and Hydrological Modelling

  • Climate stress test modelling completed along Eerste River (tools and isotope model development), and outcomes shared with communities and decision-makers

Hydro-Economic Modelling Methodologies

  • Current hydro-economic methodologies within the Cape Winelands Biosphere documented

  • Adaptation options hydro modelling under discussion to address interests and gaps within the Biosphere (will include economic costings later)

  • Adaptation options pathways under development

Innovative Financing Mechanisms

  • Long term innovative financing partnerships mapping and engagement ongoing

Local Community involvement in Be Resilient Project

  • Engagement of seven informal communities, agricultural and tourism sectors along the Eerste River in Climate Risk Informed Decision Analysis (CRIDA)

  • Engagement with the Upper Breede Collaborative Extension Group (UBCEG) which brings together multiple decision-makers from local, district, provincial, and national levels

2. Early Warning and Disaster Risk Reduction: 

"Internet of Things" Monitoring

  • Initial scoping for implementing effective monitoring and early warning tools to proactively manage increased climate risks (this will be taken forward in the next stage of the project)

3. Capacity Building and Citizen Sciences 

Citizen Science Data Collection and Analysis Solution training

  • Training on data collection procedures utilizing smartphone data collection and capacity development of 12 citizen scientists

  • Citizen scientists trained in MiniSASS and SASS5 – physical, chemical, nutrient, hydrological, biological

  • Water quality analysis data contributed to the Citizen Science State of Rivers Report 2024

Empowering Communities for Climate Resilience through Citizen Science and Climate Action  

  • A river health monitoring exercise in the Eerste River was conducted to gain a better understanding of the river's health. The training equipped 12 citizen scientists with knowledge and skills transfer.

  • Citizen scientists trained in National (DWS) Water Resource Quality Objectives

ICTP-IAEA-UNESCO: Open Hardware & Open Software Solutions for Sustainable Development

  • Participated in the International Center for Theoretical Physics, International Atomic Energy Agency and UNESCO workshop on Open Hardware and Software Solutions for Sustainable Development

Catchment Indaba 

  • Participated in the Annual Catchment-Based Indaba on Ecological Infrastructure for Water Security in 2022 and 2024

Climate Risk Informed Decision Analysis (CRIDA): A UNESCO flagship project

Additional Reading

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