Soil to Seed to Success
In the recent months, the CWBR has visited communities in Villiersdorp, McGregor, and Paarl to support and provide opportunity for skills development in keeping food gardens.
Additionally, revisited NOAH, an old age home in Woodstock Cape Town, to help maintain and transform their open space into a fully producing garden.
Each space visited has been assessed to see how value can be added with practical and available resources and out of the box thinking. Outings to neighbouring Community Gardens with which the CWBR is involved, have taken place to expose the individuals and groups to practices and possibilities of implementation in their own space.
A programme and management system has been put in place to make the food gardens successful. Mentors within the community are essential for community involvement and the success of a flourishing space.
The aim of the program is not only to teach food gardening as a means to feed one’s self and family, and possibly to other members of the community, but to inspire and excite participant in the wonder of plants. How they grow and form partnerships with bacteria, what is their place and roles are within ecosystems, how they communicate in order to thrive. What companion planting is, crop rotation, water and nutrient cycles, and what nutritional value each plant has to offer. How they are best preserved, the amazing flavours they add to meals, and how they can possibly bring an income.
Although there is a schedule of content, the course is adaptable and takes into account each person individual and group interest and circumstance, so the knowledge can be used in implementing individual gardens aligned to their resources, and can be rolled out to neighbors, friends and broader family members.
Enthusiasm, amazement, lots of enjoyment and fun is key to fostering an appetite to learn more.
A space with a beautiful view. The Hawaqua Community Garden in Paarl will be maintained by the youth.