Conservation and farming can go hand-in-hand
“The farm breeds ‘a balanced Merino with medium-grade long wool and a bigger build that is suitable for the meat market’, according to sheep manager Abraham Cloet” Extract from article
Farmer’s Weekly published an article in 2018 explaining the diverse enterprise at a farm in Swartland. This article is still relevant today, as it show-cases a space where farming and conservation go hand-in-hand through multiple practices.
The land, comprising of three combined farms, is 6 500ha total. Out of which 4 000ha is a fynbos reserve, called The Elandsberg Nature Reserve, and was established in 2008. The farm has signed up with Cape Nature’s stewardship programme to safeguard the reserve in perpetuality and implements several conservation projects. A multitude of game live in the nature reserve.
Cattle, sheep, and crops are farmed on the remaining 2 500ha. Through methodically thought out crop rotation and taking the soil, mainly Malmesbury shale and Klipheuwel gravel, into account the farm utilizes its resources to the fullest.
The farm highly values its employee’s personal growth and development through development programmes.
Read the full article: Farming & conservation go hand-in-hand on Swartland farm