The ECD Legacy Project: Educational Outings Continued…
The Cape Winelands Biosphere Reserve management team arrange monthly outings for 30 aspiring early childhood development (ECD) teacher trainees, who are participants in a joint initiative (Rotary Global Grant) in partnership with Rotary Club of Franschhoek and Drakenstein Valley. The activities aim to compliment and add onto the Level 4 ECD Teacher Training that will commence early next year.
The participants have given feedback, stating that the impact of the outings thus far has not only had a positive impact at the ECD Centres but in their personal development and immediate families as well. The programme offers a holistic experience to all involved.
Cape Leopard Trust Workshop
In August, Cape Leopard Trust facilitated an educational workshop at the CWBR Hub with the teacher trainees. The participants learned about the importance of nature and the leopard’s role in it, part-took in hands-on educational art activities, and were given educational material to take back to the classroom. The teachers were also given a set of three very special books, 'Footprints in the Fynbos,' (written in Afrikaans, isiXhosa, and English). The books teach children about conservation, leopards, and other animals, as well as have fun activities to do, creating an inclusive learning experience for the children.
Learning about resources available
Footprints in the Fynbos books recieved
In September, the participants visited Assegaaibosch Nature Reserve in Stellenbosch. A Workshop on the cycle of water was facilitated by CapeNature. Activities included sharing free online educational activities and resources for the pre-primary classroom, a puzzle competition, evaluating the health of rivers (mini-SASS), and crafts.
Water-cycle bracelet activity
Evaluating health of water. Mini-SASS
Giraffe House
In October, the participants ventured to Giraffe House where they saw a large variety of animals for the first time. Exploring the different sections, they came across zebras, antelope, many types of birds, and of course the famous giraffes. As part of the day’s activities, they were treated to a reptile Show and Tell. Though scared of the snakes at first, several of the teachers conquered their fear by posing with a python at the end.
In recognition and celebration of Teachers Appreciation Day, the CWBR team offered the teachers the opportunity to bring the children at their respective ECD’s to Giraffe House. The ECD’s are encouraged to raise the funds towards the entrance fees, and the CWBR will sponsor transport and the snacks for the day. Three ECD’s have reached out so far are due to go on their outing to Giraffe House in November and December. Supporting dignity and encouraging ownership toward extending the education beyond the classroom for the children.
Exposure to reptiles. Learnign about them to share later in their respective classrooms.